Jiatai joins us

Jiatai Zhang from the group of Prof. Zhong-Quan Liu (Nanjing University of Chinese Medecine) joins us as a Chinese Scholarship Council fellow. 

Welcome Jiatai !

Mohamed joins us

Dr. Mohamed Hassan joins us as a post-doctoral fellow under the frame of the Embassy of France in Egypt Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF).
Welcome Mohamed !

Enora joins us

Ms Enora Trubuil joins us as a PhD student in the frame of the ANR program GreeNCO (ANR-24-CE07-4305-01).
Welcome Enora !

Damien PhD defense

On the 6th of June, Damien Magis defended his PhD thesis entitled “Synthèse et réactivité de nouveaux carbènes amino(aryl) acycliques stables. Applications et synthèse de polymères organiques” in front of a jury composed of Dr. J. Broggi (Aix-Marseille U.), Dr. D. Martin (U. Grenoble Alpes), Dr. V. Cesar (U. P. Sabatier, Toulouse), Dr. K. Miqueu (U. Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) and Prof. D. Taton (U. Bordeaux).

Congratulations Damien !! We wish you good luck for the future.