Nathan, Adriel and Yoann join us for their master 1 and 2 training.
Welcome to all !!
Our article entitled: “Copper-mediated Synthesis of N-Aryl-oxamic Acids“ has been accepted for publication in Chemistry, A European Journal.
Congratulations to Margaux.
Our article in collaboration with the team of Prof. H. Cramail (LCPO (UB) entitled: “Synthesis of Polyurethanes Through the Oxidative Decarboxylation of Oxamic Acids: a New Gateway Toward Self-blown foams“ has been accepted for publication in Chemical Science.
Congratulations to Quentin, Martin and Govind !!!
On the 6th of June, Damien Magis defended his PhD thesis entitled “Synthèse et réactivité de nouveaux carbènes amino(aryl) acycliques stables. Applications et synthèse de polymères organiques” in front of a jury composed of Dr. J. Broggi (Aix-Marseille U.), Dr. D. Martin (U. Grenoble Alpes), Dr. V. Cesar (U. P. Sabatier, Toulouse), Dr. K. Miqueu (U. Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) and Prof. D. Taton (U. Bordeaux).
Congratulations Damien !! We wish you good luck for the future.
Our review article in collaboration with Prof. I. Ryu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Hsinchu (Taiwan) and Dr. S. Sumino, Osaka Prefecture (Japan), entitled “1,2-Bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethylene (BPSE). A Potent Radical C2 Synthon Available in the Radical and Electron-Transfer-Based Organic Synthesis“ has been accepted for publication in Synthesis.