Shuai PhD Defense

On the 19th of July, Shuai Liu defended his PhD thesis entitled “Radical-mediated C-H and Si-H Functionalization to construct C-C/C-N/C-Si Bonds” in front of a jury composed of Prof. I. Gillaizeau (U. Orléans), Dr. E. Magnier (U. Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines), Dr. M. Donnard (U. Strasbourg), and Prof. B. Bibal (U. Bordeaux).

After the PhD thesis, Prof. Gillaizeau, Dr. E. Magnier and, Dr. Donnard gave stimulating lectures, respectively on enamides/ynamides, fluorine and organosilicon chemistry. 

Congratulations Shuai !! We wish you good luck for the future.

A visit of Prof Richmond Sarpong (University of Berkeley)

This thursday, June 22nd we had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Richmond Sarpong from the University of Berkeley (USA) in the frame of the INC Ambassador’s program. Richmond presented an enlightening lecture, entitled : “Break-it-to-Make-it Strategies for Chemical Synthesis Inspired by Complex Natural Products “.

We wish to thank the CNRS for allowing the visit of Prof. Sarpong to our institute. 

PPM Thematic day on photocatalysis

On thursday May 25th, we organized the first PPM thematic day on “Future trends in light-driven processes” at the Domaine du Haut-Carré (Auditorium de l’Agora), with plenary lectures by Dr. M. Chavarot-Kerlidou (CEA Grenoble), Prof. Burkhard Koenig (University of Regensburg, D) and Prof. M. Robert (University Paris-Cité). Three communications were also proposed by Dr. L. Bouffier (ISM, NSYSA, UB), Dr. J.M. Vincent (ISM, NEO, UB) and Dr. J. -P. Delville (LOMA, UB) and PhD students (A. Doussot, S. Liu and E. Layan).

Cong Dai Bui joins us

Cong Dai Bui joins us as a master 2 student on a project in collaboration with the team of Prof. H. Cramail (LCPO, University of Bordeaux) in the frame of the PPM research program. 

Welcome Dai !